Tuesday, January 10, 2012


"day 7"

I don't even remember the beginning of today!  It was so long ago.  And so early.  I do remember that I had a dream last night that you guys bought me the cutest puppy in the world.  Don't worry, I don't want a dog right now...but when I graduate, how about we go halfsies on a puppy and I'll bring him over sometimes to see you guys in return.
I got to teach people exercises today.  And I like that my CI just asks me to do things and then sends me off to do them.  She's not staring over my shoulder all the time which is nice.  I feel more like a PT and less like a student then and I think I perform better.
We saw the three ICU guys today.  The morphine guy was less drugged up today so he did good, the funny guy still had his silly grin and we got him to transfer into his chair and he practically lept out of his bed!  Which isnt good because, I mean, he's in the Intensive Care Unit.  And they had the bandage off of his head and I saw that he had a stapled up incision from his left eye up onto the top of his head and then down to his left ear.  And this guy's head is pretty big, so it was really looong.  And he was not impressed with our therapy today.  He kept rolling his eyes at us and scowling.  I think he thought we were there for something else though because when we left he was really confused that we only exercised him, but we barely even exercised him because he was being mr. grumpy butt.  The third guy was acting really weird.  he kept pulling off his oxygen mask so his oxygen machine's alarm was going off all the time and he tried to write us out a message on an envelope.  And I know that everything is under control, but when you see a guy in that condition who cant talk, try to write out a message to you, it just feels like youre in a movie and this hospital patient is slowly being killed off or something. 
Bitter-Kathy was rude to one of Liz's patients today and Liz didnt say anything, but she was obviously annoyed and so Kathy walked past her and mumbled something about her being a B*tch and Liz and I walked down to our patient and Liz was just venting to me...and I smiled and tried to not get involved, yet at the same time also make Liz feel validated so that she will like me and give me good grades.  It's a tough job, but I can handle it. 
The patient that bitter-Kathy was so bitter to was such a funny little guy.  He looked like some actor, but i cant think of the name right now.  Anyways he had a handlebar mustache that he twisted up the sides of and he is a traveling radiologist and he made me stay with him just to talk while Liz went and saw other patients just because he was bored.  He's an interesting guy. 
The first staff meeting was today.  VERY unlike the ones at Lakeland.  At Lakeland there was a room for the meetings and there was a manager that wasnt a PT and she ran the meetings and they were just very organized.  Here we were all sitting on mats around in the ugly depressing gym and mean-Debbie ran the meeting in a very unprofessional way.  You know, I dont even see her that much, so she never even has the chance to be mean to me, but boy oh boy do the other PT's talk about her!  They all hate her!
I dont think I'll have to do an inservice here after all...maybe, its still undecided.
I think I'm getting the upper hand in the Ethel-Lyndsey games.  She likes me and hugs me all the time now.  But today she was walking down the hall and I was in the gym and I turned and saw her walking by and she stopped and pointed at her boobs to remind me of my cotton balls.  So she still does that a little.
Liz is going to try to get me into a Total Knee Replacement surgery which will be cool.  They are less bloody than the Total Hips, so you actually get to see more, but they also whip out the saws and hammers.  So that will be painful to watch.  Also she talked to the Occupational Therapist and that lady might let me hang out with her for some of the Pediatric patients that she has, but she doesnt really get that many either.
Anyways, everything is still going good.  I have a feeling that I'm going to be doing ALOT in just a couple of weeks.  Maybe even have my own patients!
Okay, I'm gonna go look up some stuff in notes and read some of Bridgette Jones' Diary and maybe watch Nanny McPhee....because it's 4:15 and I'm already off of work...because I go in a 7 AM...ugh.
Love, Lyndsey

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love reading your blog lyndsey! you always have fun pics and funny stories. :)

just wanted to let you know that i nominated you for the Liebster Award for your fantastic blog! (pun intended) head on over to my site for more details!