Tuesday, March 27, 2012


"day 18"

This day was a blur.  Liz is almost the only therapist there.  It will be the same tomorrow, but worse because Debbie was here this morning, but she wont be tomorrow.  It's for pretty sad reasons too, really.  These are all the PTs:
Liz: my CI, she's there
Marie: she's part-time, and only works in the afternoons which are MUCH less busy
Jennifer: wasnt there today because her little girl has cystic fibrosis and is really sick right now and might have to go out to Erie to the hospital.
Sherry: part-time, but still not there.  They found a lump in her breast that was pre-cancerous and she went in today to have a lumpectomy, but instead they found another lump that is not even close to the first one, so they are doing another biopsy.  So that's a fairly depressing situation.
Lisa: she's the one that just suffered a brain injury, so she obviously isnt working.
Mean-Debbie: she took off this afternoon, all day tomorrow and all day monday.
I saw this one guy today who wears 2 watches and thinks that Becker is a real doctor.  He's a cute guy, he closes his eyes when he tells stories.
Last night my roommate was studying all the veins of the leg because she had a surgery today that was stripping the veins in the leg (I don't know which ones) and I had that same guy from her surgery walking just an hour ago. 
The kid with the external fixation said to me from across the gym "23" and I said "Are you trying to guess my age?"  and he said yes, and I said he's pretty good, but then he guessed my blood type inaccurately and had to guess about 6 times before he got my zodiac sign. 
We have this one patient who is a good candidate for most-disgusting-wound-I've-seen.  At least in person.  It's basically a big hole in his leg, I may have mentioned him before, its the guy that was moving the whirlpool across the room with his wheelchair.  Anyways, his skin is like an inch up from the...flesh?  The innards?  I don't know what to call it.  But it's like a cliff and right under the skin is all this black blood that looks like some one smushed a bunch of blackberries up under there.  Ew.
Well, I'm gonna go snack on something until supper.  haha.  This day has made me STARVING.  Oh, at lunch all the people we sit with have accepted me as one of them now, which is cool.  I walked up to their table today and they all shouted "hey!  here she is!"  So that makes me happy.
Okay, Love ya!

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