Thursday, March 1, 2012

February Somethings

from this past month, here is something I:


Jeremy and Sandra coming for the weekend!  (And the fact that Jeremy actually let me take a picture of them!)

listened to:

Bill O'Reilly podcast.  It's only a couple of minutes, just the Talking Points from the daily episodes.  But it keeps me up to date with Bill's views on what's going on in the world.


Prairie Home Companion.  I surprised Malachi for his birthday with tickets to the show.  It's a weird crowd there though.  Old Lutheran's and young hipsters unite in the Fitzgerald theater.  Our seats had been stolen, the guy behind me was rude and obnoxious, and the couple in front of us might as well have just been sitting on top of each other (PDA).  But other than all of that, the show itself was great!  So much talent, and Garrison Keillor is more entertaining in person than just listening to on the radio.  We sat right in front of where the two people who do the different voices and sound effects were, and that was pretty cool to watch as well.


Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell.  A fascinating read on how the brain works and reacts.  It's written very well and is a quick and never-boring read.  I recommend!


We all have gifts from God.  And these gifts are given to us to share with others.  Sometimes I feel like I don't know what my gift is.  But I do know that to recognize my gift, and to know when and where to use it, I must spend time in prayer and reading scripture.  That is how God will tell us how to share our gifts.  Got it?  It's so easy.  So let's do this!

1 comment:

Taumi said...

Your brother has a normal girlfriend? wha? As opposed to some too-skinny party girl I mean. Awesome.

I like what you said about gifts. It's very true that the Holy Spirit guides us into knowing and using them, and if we use them for God's glory he may give us another.