Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Over the weekend, Malachi and I snuggled up next to each other with our "slaptops" (a phrase we coined  during this outing) and our lunch at Cupcake.  We had a mission as well.  See, we will be moving come March/April.  To where?  We have not yet figured that out.  The plan is to buy a place somewhere in the cities or in WI.  That's plan A and also "plan ultimate", because ultimately, we will be buying unless something crazy happens.  Plan B is to move into these cheaper townhomes in WI until we find a place to buy.  Plan C, which has come up because those town homes do not appear to have vacancy at the moment,  is to move back in with the parents until we find a place to buy.
No matter the result, we are definitely moving.  For two reasons: 1, our rent will be going up approximately $400.00 and that is not something we are going to take lying down.  And 2, I'm allergic to our home.
So back to Cupcake, we sat down and shared our finds for houses with each other. We probably have 20-30 choices, not all are in our price range.  Not all are in an ideal location, but we figure it's a start.  If you don't mind, we sure would appreciate any and all prayers to help us in this big decision that we are jumping into!

Oh ya, I also got myself some cupcakes to go.  This one is called the "I Love Lucy" :) 

1 comment:

Taumi said...

scary grown-up decision!