Monday, February 27, 2012


As I've mentioned, we are moving!
We don't really know yet where we are going to end up, but in the mean time we are heading for my parent's basement.  We will be out of our current home by the end of April (maybe sooner).
This has caused me to stop a resolution that I had made, which is reading this book:

Why?  Well, because I can't very well organize rooms that are half packed away.  So I have read the first chapter (The Kitchen) and the 8th chapter (on organized moving).  I'll start reading it again when we stop being drifters.

Otherwise, I have been looking for websites to help the packing and moving go as smoothly as possible.
(You could also say that I have been procrastinating on actually packing by searching the internet).

  • Packing boxes, originally I wanted to buy more tubs to pack things in, since our stuff will be in a storage unit for who-knows-how-long.  But the tubs went up in price from $3 to $9!!  Crazy Menard's!  Lower them prices back down!!  Or at least tell me when you have a 60% off sale :)
  • Checklists : :  1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
  • Martha Stewart has 10 helpful printouts

If any of you are moving, or planning a move, hopefully those links help you too!

1 comment:

Taumi said...

I might need your parents address again. I still have to send you a Christmas present...(*sheepish smile)