Friday, February 3, 2012

My Wish List, a.k.a.... Things I can't afford.

A Droid.  I could probably afford it, being as I am way overdue for a new phone and could probably get a good deal on it for that reason.  The part that I can't afford is the upgraded plan I would have to pay monthly for!
Good thing there hasn't been much snow this winter so that I haven't been too depressed for not having any snow boots!
Are you surprised?  I didn't think so.

This would really save me a lot of time and effort not having to make a precarious stack of random odds and ends to get my camera ready for a posed photo.

I think this is the next theatrical show on my list.

Why is this rug so dang expensive?!

I could afford this, I just have a hard time spending money on jewelry.  But don't be surprised if you see this on me, because I have a feeling I might just cave in for this one.

What I would do for a vacuum that sucks in the right way.  My current one likes to pretend it is working by redistributing the dirt.


Okay, that is my current list.  It's all inclusive except for 2 little things.  1) a house.  2) a winning lottery ticket.  :)

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