Monday, August 27, 2012

Fantastic Things Party

Once upon a time, I stumbled upon an article about a Favorite Things Party.  This is when a few friends get together and each bring one of their favorite things.  This can be anything.  At the party, they explain why they love it and at the end, everyone passes their favorite thing to the left and leaves with a new fun item.  And because I've always thought this sounded like fun, I am going to have my own version of this party once a month on my blog (and I gave it a new name to fit better in my blog!).

This month I'm loving my new necklace:

It's colorful and fun and a great length to wear with a t-shirt or button up.  Unfortunately, it looks like they are sold out on-line, but maybe you can find something just as fantastic.  It's from francesca's collections,follow the link to shop!

1 comment:

Taumi said...

that's a cool idea but I don;t know if I'd want to give my fav thing to someone who wouldn't appreciate it.