Friday, August 24, 2012

Praise God

This month of August has been an incredible ride for Malachi and me. As of now, Malachi is attending Union College full time for a Computer Science degree (which I think is just plain awesome), we are officially moving to Nebraska next weekend, and I start my new job (yup, that's right, I got the job!) right after Labor Day.  And God's finger print is all over all of this.  We are so undeserving of all the blessings that 2012 has brought us and we are forever grateful for this taste of heavenly grace!

Here we come Nebraska/new life chapter!


Miriam said...

Yay!! Good for you guys! So happy for you both, and that you got the job!

Taumi said...

How come you didn't tell me! Yay you!

lyndsey said...

I know! I'm sorry, I was meaning to, I don't really know what happened!