Thursday, April 12, 2012


"day 21"

Today was my midterm evaluation and I got good scores.  She apparently thinks I do better on my evals than I do.  Which is great! 
We got a patient today that had absolutely nothing wrong with her.  Her order said “improve strength.”  She was not weak.  She is the wife of the man with two watches who likes Becker.  And they both have mild mental disabilities, so we think that she just wanted to be able to be with her husband at therapy, but of course, she can just sit in the room with him.  Who knows.  Liz gave her some mini-squat and ab exercises. 
A lot of the patients were in a great mood today, so that was nice.  My favorite fibromyalgia patient was sooo happy.  She says she is healed.  She was showing off her new range of motion to us.  She even wanted to get a job there as an aide because she wanted to “work in the place that healed her”.  
After work my desi-roommate and I went to the I Love Lucy Museum…not that cool.  But I did get to see a real Emmy Award.  I think the playhouse will be cooler, we are gonna go to that next week maybe. 
And I called the car shop.  4:00 Monday.
Okay, we are watching I Love Lucy, so I gotta go.

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