Thursday, April 12, 2012


"day 23"

Our last patient today was a vestibular patient.  I feel so bad for her because she was positive on almost every balance and vestibular test we did.  She is a wreck.  And Liz didnt really know what to do.  She did a Hallpike Dix maneuver and the whole time I was thinking "wrong.  wrong.  wrong.  Well, thats right, but that other stuff was wrong."  But it wasnt life or death, so the patient will survive.  And hopefully she improves.  I'll keep ya posted.
The gym was extra loud today with the gait training patients.  One lady SCREAMED SO LOUD.  Ardie was mad.  She said "I cant hear very good out of my right ear because of a bilateral knee patient a couple years ago and now this lady just screamed in my good ear!"  It was funny.  And I walked this really cute lady around for a while and Liz was happy with me because I worked on her endurance a bit.  Safely and successfully, which is the best way.  And I'm getting better at all of my documentation.  There is just so many different types of documentation.
Also, I'm eating a caramel and chocolate covered apple from the apple festival that is VERY good, but is making me sick.  So I may have to waste alot of it.  AND, I'm getting a 4th roommate on sunday, its gonna be a full house.  And she has to sleep in the living room.  But she is an OT and will be here until December 15th.  Poor girl!
Love ya,

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